Bird Watching


Tanzania is an amazing birding destination. Out of 1134 species of birds, currently recorded in-country, a visiting birder on a 3-week birding trip can expect to see as many as 700 species of birds. 

But it is not only the number of species that sets Tanzania apart. Tanzania protects some of the world’s largest and most pristine wilderness areas and wildlife reserves and the quality of wildlife watching and birding in the wilderness areas of Tanzania are unsurpassed. 

Globally endangered species are still common and up to 39 endemic species (depending on the systematic definition one follows) occur in the country and most can be seen by any birder in a comfortable safari.


tanzania birding

Above 30% of the country area of about 975,000 sq. Km has been conserved. A staggering landmass and a sign of real commitment for conservation. Tanzania straddles the border between the Southern African Miombo belt, the East African savannahs, and the central African lowland forests which makes for a great diversity of species that can be viewed in relative ease in Tanzania. 

Tanzania is also recognized as one of the world’s four mega hot spots. Such bio-diversity hot spots for endemism feature the high uniqueness of birds, reptiles, anurans, mammals, and plants. We run birding safaris to all those destinations; Including the world-renowned Eastern Arc Mountains, the East African coastal forests, the Kilombero river valley, the Serengeti eco-system, the southern highlands, Pemba Islands, and Mahale mountains.

We operate birding tours in all parts of Tanzania and will be happy to design for you a tour that suits all of your budget and birding needs. A unique perspective on Tanzanian wildlife and landscape is that it has numerous places for birding as well as game viewing. Mostly the birding safaris are done on the lakes or rivers. But it is unfortunate to state that the country having the biggest and the deepest lake in Africa, Tanzania visitors have relatively little opportunity for canoeing safaris. 

When it comes to the canoeing safaris in Tanzania only the national parks like Arusha and the Lake Manyara come to mind. These are the parks where canoeing is possible only on lakes. Over the years canoeing in Momella Lake and Lake Manyara has become the most sensible way of game viewing. This is all canoeing on lakes, not rivers and the safaris are no longer than 3-hours.

Enjoy a peaceful and scenic canoeing safari following the shorelines of small Momella Lake. View buffaloes, bushbuck, giraffes, hippos, and many water birds living in and close to the water

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